Food Guide For Hiking & Camping

with Nutritional Yeast Flakes Organic Quick Oat Flakes

Announcement: Warm weather has arrived!

Many Canadians are itching to go out and enjoy the sunshine. As outdoor enthusiasts, hiking and camping are popular activities especially for the long weekend. There is so much to plan – from transportation to the food you bring. For spontaneous travelers who have limited time to prepare, don’t worry. We are here to save you with some last-minute meal prep ideas today. Keep reading!

If you are going hiking and think that bringing a fresh apple would be the healthiest option, well, you’re not totally wrong. While it is true that it is a healthy snack, it might not be the wisest. During calorie-burning activities, carbohydrates are your body’s most preferred energy source. Fresh fruits and vegetables are low-calorie munchies that will very less likely give you enough fuel to power your way up the hill. In addition, electrolytes are lost through sweat during high-intensity workouts. Replenishing electrolytes through foods high in sodium, magnesium and potassium are therefore very important.

Check out the following meal plan for some ideas!

Breakfast – Hearty Oatmeal

Breakfasts are essential, yet most of us skip it in exchange for a few minutes of sleep. Start your day with this easy oatmeal recipe that will keep you full for long. Mix and cook 1/3 cups of oats, 1/2 cup of milk of your choice, and 1/2 tablespoon of chia seeds. Then top with walnut pieces and cranberries for some extra crunch and sweetness!

Westpoint Ingredients: Organic Quick Oat Flakes, Organic Walnut Pieces, Organic Black Chia Seed, Organic Cranberries

Lunch – Chicken Avocado Sandwich

Keep in mind that you need foods rich in carbs, protein and healthy fats. Topped with a sprinkle of kelp salt, try a chicken avocado sandwich that will guarantee you both a nutrient kick and delicious taste! You can check out our Japanese-inspired avocado toast recipe here for some inspiration.

Westpoint Ingredients: Kelp Sea Salt

Dinner – Vegan ‘Mac & Cheese’

Macaroni and cheese is a popular dinner choice among backpackers. But if you are vegan, this might be a problem… or not! All you need to bring is a small bag of nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is a great food supplement for plant-based eaters, as it is a good source of complete protein and Vitamin B12. Its natural nutty and cheesy flavour also makes it a perfect alternative for cheese. So if you are craving for some comfort food after a long hike, simply add 2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast to your bowl of couscous and enjoy!

Westpoint Ingredients: Nutritional Yeast Flakes, Organic Cous Cous

Snacks – Crunchy Trail Mix

Trail mixes are the go-to snacks for hiking. Our Organic Hiking Fruit & Nut Mix, in particular, consists of raisins, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and apricots – which are all wonderful sources of minerals and electrolytes that you’ll need during high-energy activities. Looking for other fruit and nut combinations? Find out what else we carry here!

We hope our food guide is helpful, and all the best to you adventurers out there!

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Nutritional Yeast Flakes

Organic Quick Oat Flakes

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