Say No To Seasonal Allergies

with Seedless Rosehip

If you have been experiencing symptoms like sneezing, itchy nose, congestion or watery eyes, it might be because of the season. Spring is the prime time of the year for seasonal allergies with about 20% to 30% Canadians suffering from them. While the blooming of flowers is beautiful, they may also be the source to your sinus struggles.

There are different treatments to fight or prevent allergies, some requiring special medications or allergy shots. But one of the most wholesome and natural ways is to fix what you eat. Your diet plays an important role in maintaining overall wellness. Whether it is the seasonal allergy, the flu or other types of diseases, changing your eating habits can aid in many kinds of illnesses.

To help stop Spring allergies, here are the key nutrients you need to load up on:


Allergies are the result of histamine – a chemical released when foreign substances invade the body, which leads to immediate immune responses such as hives, sneezing and watery eyes. Vitamin C is a well-known antihistamine and immune-boosting antioxidant.

If your average diet consists of 5 to 8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, according to Canada’s Food Guide, you are very unlikely to be Vitamin C deficient. But for those who need a little supplement boost, try rosehip! This herb is rich in Vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid.


Flavonoids are another effective antihistamine. Quercetin, in particular, contributes greatly to seasonal allergy relief. You can generally find it in red-pigmented foods like apples, tomatoes, red peppers and even wine. Now you won’t have to feel too guilty about sipping that glass of red wine!


Omega-3 fish oil supplements are quite popular for children as they are known to help promote brain development. But even for adults, this nutrient is just as important. Omega-3 fatty acid contains various benefits from fighting allergies to lowering risks of heart disease. Although it is commonly found in fatty fish like salmon, for vegan-eaters, chia, hemp and flaxseeds are great alternatives. You can add them to your smoothies, yogurts, cereals and almost any baking recipes you can find!


We have mentioned several times how histamine is the cause of allergy symptoms. Magnesium is a nutrient that may reduce histamine levels and inflammation in the airways. However, despite following a healthy diet, Magnesium-deficiency is still prevalent in many individuals. Some common symptoms include muscle spasms, fatigue, anxiety and also allergies. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and cashews are Magnesium superstars!


Share with us your natural remedies for allergies on our FacebookTwitter and Instagram! We would love to hear from you!

In this Post

Say No To Seasonal Allergies

Seedless Rosehip

Rosehip Tea

with Seedless Rosehip

Prep Time: 0 min

Cook Time: 15 min

Westpoint Ingredients

  • 1 tablespoon of Seedless Rosehips

Other Ingredients

  • 1 cup of Hot Water
  • 1 teaspoon of Honey (Optional)


1) Place rosehip in hot water and let tea steep for 10 to 15 minutes, covered.
2) Strain the tea through a fine mesh filter to remove the seeds and any pulp present.
3) Sweeten with honey if desired.

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